Friday, August 04, 2006

Video: OK, Here It Goes Again

Here's a music video, posted on Youtube by a group that goes by the clever name of OK Go. Their sound is reminds me of a cross between early Boomtown Rats and The Fools.

Who would have thought that treadmills could actually be used for something other than a For Sale item in the local rag?

Strange Monuments from Around the World: Part 1

Around this planet many unusual sculptures and statues can be found. Some are so strange, it makes you wonder what was going through the committees' minds when the selections were made. As I find photos, I'll make a point of posting them in successive posts. If you have anything to provide, let me know where I can get it.

Here's one from that wonderful and friendly little town of Los Angeles that I have (re)entitled Building Upon Our Weaknesses.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

EBay & Canadian Tire Money

eBay has policies on millions of things governing everything from what is accepted (from sales to your own personal actions) to what will get you kicked in the ass with a big shiny boot. One of the more important policies is regarding payment. I would have to say this is the most important part of using eBay.

So, I took it upon myself to read their Payment Policy to see exactly what was acceptable and what was not. And, what I found interested me as a Canadian: They accept Canadian Tire Money! Wow! Canadian Tire Money (CTM) is our country's second currency. Smart! And sound fiscal policy, too! CTM is as good as gold!

Every Canadian household has a minimum of $32.15 at any time stashed away in drawers and old coat pockets. You just have to know where to dig. With your pockets full, you can walk into any store and buy anything you want entirely with wads of CTM.

I had a boss who once needed to tune up his crap car so that it could make it to Florida. He decided to have a Canadian Tire Money day: he would accept up to $10 towards anything purchased on a single Saturday. At the end of the day he pulled in over $400, which he then used towards car repairs. He left for a week and I had peace, quiet and a smoke-free environment (he was a packet a minute smoker).

Last year I bought a weed whacker using CTM. I also buy all the batteries my PDA eats with total abandon with CTM.

But, let's get back to eBay: I've been selling a few things on eBay recently. I can definitely use the CTM, so I'll be listing it in my Payment Options section!

I have a torqued-out spindle rotor that needs replacement!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hamsters as Fighting Machines

Hamsters! As a fighting tool! Hooda thunkit? Could this be a possible sequel to Spamalot?
Perhaps Spamalot II: Gathering of the Killer Rodents.

Think this is funny? Does it amuse you? These little critters are horrible little killers in cute fur coats (sic 'em Pamela!). A man died from a hamster attack! Yes, he did. Read this newspaper article.

Local Hero Tows Scofflaw Sign from Handicapped Parking

Location: an east-end Oakville, ON Canada shopping plaza parking lot.

The Problem: Evil gangs of Handicap Parking signs are roaming our town's parking lots. They're parking themselves BETWEEN properly marked parking spots.

The Solution: A local heroic tow truck driver took on these signs and taught them a lesson about good citizenry!

This gentleman decided that enough is enough! He connected this bad sign up and towed it right out of there!

Our hats are off to you! We are sick and tired of these damn handicapped parking signs flaunting parking regulations!

"Take 'im away, Lou!"